Language Arts
The Language Arts curriculum in Grade 1 & 2 is a literature-based, balanced reading and writing program. Its goal is to create independent, competent, lifelong readers and writers. Components include read-alouds, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading, interactive writing, shared writing, Writing Workshop, and independent writing. Students are immersed in numerous rich language experiences involving speaking and writing, and direct instruction is given in reading skills and strategies. Students are exposed to a variety of quality children’s literature covering all genres, including fiction, non-fiction, plays and poetry. The craft of writing is taught using the 4 Square Writing Method. Some skills and concepts covered include: sentence and paragraph construction, the friendly letter, poetry, research reports, and creative story writing. The Handwriting Without Tears program uses a multi-sensory approach to address all learning styles. Its unique materials eliminate problems with letter formation, reversals, and spacing. Spelling focuses on word families and words students use most frequently in their writing. Grammar and mechanics are integrated into all elements of the program, including daily editing activities using the interactive white board.
Mathematics instruction in the Primary School helps students learn to think and reason mathematically through discovery approaches and the use of manipulatives. This is accomplished using the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space (TERC) curriculum units. These units of study focus on hands-on investigations that involve students in the exploration of the number system, addition and subtraction, measurement, statistics, patterns, estimation, geometry, and probability. Concepts are reinforced through the use of children’s literature, games, and various other classroom activities. The TERC units are supplemented with Marilyn Burns “Math Solutions” units and activities, and relevant materials from other sources. The goal is to solidify basic math concepts concretely to prepare students for the more abstract nature of advanced mathematics

Social Studies
Social Studies in the Primary School is a developmentally appropriate, well balanced (local, national, global), and consistent curriculum that leads to the cumulative and systematic study of people and their interactions. It sets the tone and lays the foundation for the social studies education that follows. In accordance with National Standards, program goals include teaching students to: work in small groups; learn and understand about people in our community; learn about other places in the world and their culture; and create a sense of social responsibility and moral development. Activities are hands-on and are introduced through integrated and thematic approaches. They include opportunities for role playing, beginning research using IIM (Independent Investigative Method), and field trips.
Science in grades one and two is based on a two-year cycle of study. Earth Science (air, soil, weather, geology, and the solar system) and Physical Science (force and motion, states of matter, and sink or float) are covered one year. LifeScience (butterflies and moths, life cycles, plant and animal populations) and Human Body (the senses) the following year. Delta Science Modules, AIMS, CTP and teacher-created materials provide students with a wide variety of hands-on activities that lead to the development of the science processes of observing, communicating, comparing and categorizing. Through these processes, new ideas and science concepts are formed that are the foundation for more advanced studies that students will encounter as they move through the Science Program.