Early Childhood Programs
*3 Day AM Pre-K
3 Day Full Day Pre-K
*5 Day AM Pre-K
5 Day Full Day Pre-K
* AM Program 8:15 AM - 11:45 AM
* 3 Day Program Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Lower School
*Kindergarten 5 Day AM
Grades K - 5
Upper School
Grade 6-8
Contracts will be issued by February 10th 2023 for returning students.
Contracts will be issued upon acceptance for new students.
A tuition deposit of 10% should be submitted by April 1st 2023. Tuition covers instructional costs during the academic day, as well as the cost of most field trips (excluding overnight trips). The tuition does NOT cover the cost of extended day or hot lunch.
Discount for Sibling Enrollment
In addition to full tuition paid for the oldest child enrolled, a 5% discount on the tuition balance will be allotted for each added sibling enrolled.
All students
The balance of tuition may be either paid in full by July 1, 2023
The balance of tuition may be divided into 9 equal payments beginning July 1, 2023, and ending March 1, 2024 for a 3% administrative cost.
Please contact admissions@hampsteadacademy.org for more information.
Tuition Assistance Program
Financial assistance at Hampstead Academy has a two-fold purpose: (1) to provide deserving students the opportunity of a high-quality education which otherwise might be unobtainable; and, (2) to provide the School with a well-qualified student body reflecting a broad social and economic mix. For those goals to be achieved it is essential that ability to pay the full tuition not be the deciding factor in determining whether or not a promising young person may attend the School. Financial aid decisions are made independently from admission decisions and in no way affect a candidate’s chances for admission. Applicants must be accepted to Hampstead Academy in order to apply for tuition assistance.
All persons with parental responsibility for the student/s included in the application must give their consent for an application to be made and must supply full and complete information and documents, as required by the Hampstead Academy Financial Assistance Policy and Application Form.
Checklist for Financial Assistance
● Application Form
● Filed 2021 IRS Form 1040 with all applicable schedules and attachments
● Filed 2021 State Tax return with all applicable schedules and attachments
● All 2021 W-2 and/or 1099 forms
● September 2022 Paycheck Stub(s) for all jobs worked in 2022
Please contact admissions@hampsteadacademy.org for more information.
Hampstead Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex/gender, sexual orientation, age or disability in administration of its employment practices or educational policies: admission, financial aid, athletics and other School-administered programs.