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English Language Arts Instruction Philosophy

The Language Arts program at Hampstead Academy is based on educational research and includes foundational skills and strategies to meet National Standards (LRI, 2020 & NRA, 2019).  Our program includes the essential components of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.  Strategies are taught within a real and meaningful context, and activities are designed to have a function and purpose to which the students can relate.  At all grade levels, the components of reading and writing are consistently integrated across all academic disciplines because children learn to read through the writing of others and learn to write by reading and assimilating information read. 

Literacy and Reading Instruction Philosophy

The reading program within Hampstead Academy is multi-dimensional: incorporating phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.  In the early stages, children are considered readers as ‘emergent literacy’ grows and develops.  Teachers provide numerous opportunities for the young reader to explore books within the classroom and library.  At every grade level, teachers are encouraged to observe each child as a learner coming to new experiences with prior knowledge and to apply instructional strategies appropriate to the students’ needs and individual learning styles.  When literature selections are chosen for whole group sharing, teachers ensure all students have the prior knowledge to access lesson content. Within literacy and reading no one instructional method is taught exclusively, but rather an eclectic approach is used. The philosophy celebrates and supports all students at individual comprehension levels. The literacy and reading program will develop an appreciation for reading which will remain with the students long after leaving Hampstead Academy.

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