"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful." – Alice Walker
Hampstead Academy Uniform Survey We want to hear from you! Let us know what you prefer for uniform options at Hampstead Academy next year HERE Parent Survey We invite you to take our 2022-2023 Parent Survey Your feedback helps us collect important information for continuing our mission to Connect, Inquire, & Empower our students to be prepared for the future. Dress Down Days Tuesday 2/14 everyone is invited to dress down in celebration of Valentine's Day! Classroom teachers will reach out about classroom specific activities/parties that will be happening. Wednesday 2/15 (as long as there are no snow days) we will celebrate the 100th Day of School. Everyone is invited to dress as what they'll look like when they are 100 years old! 2023-2024 Re-Enrollment Thank You for re-enrolling! Confirming re-enrollment for the 2023-2024 academic school year is important to be fully prepared with faculty, sustain current classroom maximum enrollments, and programs for next year. Please Click HERE to review Re-Enrollment for the 2023-2024 academic year. A copy of the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar has been posted to the HA website. Makerspace SIGN UP HERE for Wednesday March 1st Makerspace is a time for families to come together and be creative! You never know what the materials will be, but it’s always FUN!

LEtGO Your Mind July 24th - July 28th 2023 Hampstead Academy will be hosting LegoYourMind a one week camp July 24th - July 28th 2023. There will be two classes offered ages 6-8 and ages 9-13 Mon - Fri 9AM -3PM. Seats are limited and more information will be coming soon! Details and Registration may found at https://letgoyourmind.com/about/
Highlights Of The Week Stay updated on what’s happening in your Class DoJo Follow Hampstead Academy Events & News & our Calendar of Events. Need to connect with other HA Parents? Email delgiacco@hampsteadacademy for the most updated HA Directory.

Greeting the day with free play everyday! Our friends get so much out of just being present with their passion. Free play develops their imagination, encourages them to explore and interact with the world around them, they practice self regulation, decision making skills, and learn to share and resolve conflicts. It’s a bustling and buzzing time as we come together as a community. Did you see Phil? Students made predictions on whether Phil would see his shadow then learned 6 more weeks of winter is ahead!

DREAMERS spent some time outdoors this week getting answers to their curious questions....does a bubble freeze? Will a water balloon turn into an ice balloon? They found out water in an ice balloon freezes from the outside in. As the water freezes, it creates pure crystals of water, which are clear. Meanwhile, impurities such as air or minerals are left behind in the liquid, where they concentrate until they come out of solution as bubbles.

What a week for our ACHIEVERS! Bake the World A Better Place project is well underway and has gotten as far as production and taste testing. Business, plan, staffing, production and supply costs, product procurement, product design and pricing, production, and testing have all taken place. We did miss a very important ingredient in our recipe on the first try. Can you guess what it is? Experiments and failing are part of the learning process. Teaching students they can fail, try again and succeed builds persistence, perseverance and grit.

Nature = joy, no stress, peace, appreciation

Multi age STEM class with our community is one of the highlights of the week! Peer learning promotes leadership, better communication and cooperation.

Hampstead Academy now offers tuition assistance for qualifying families! Spread the word and visit www.hampsteadacademy.org/tuition for more details!
Important Dates Click Here for Calendar of Events February 7th 4PM Community Connection Meeting (All parents welcome) February 9th 3PM STEAM Club February 14th Valentine’s Day (More info to come) February 16th STEAM Club February 23rd STEAM Club February 24th 2nd Trimester 2 Ends February 27th - March 3rd (No School)