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Weekly Newsletter 10/06/2022

"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees." - Amelia Earhart

Reminder No School Friday October 7th. Enjoy your long Autumn weekend and we'll see you again on Tuesday October 11th!

Invitations A Sprinkle of Spirit Students are welcome to dress down in their favorite color on Wednesday October 12th! Wear your best and brightest to reflect your spirit and favorite color(s)! OPEN HOUSE October 19th 6PM-7PM Tell everyone! Hampstead Academy will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE for prospective parents. Staff will be available to give a tour and answer questions about the academy and the admissions process. We would love to have one or two parent volunteers attend and speak about your positive experience at Hampstead Academy. Please reach out to Miss Kate if you are interested in speaking to prospective parents who may potentially join the academy.

Cookies with Mindy During the last week of each month, our Head of School will reserve time to spend with parents over coffee or tea. On Friday, October 28th at 1:30PM parents are welcome to come in and chat about how things are going, and share/discuss some fun ideas for future events and activities.

Makerspace Tuesday November 2nd 5PM We had a BLAST at the first Makerspace last night! The challenge: To create something with at least 20 items which could float and we could not use tape, glue, or staples! Families and Friends are encouraged to come! SIGN UP HERE and join us at Hampstead Academy for a Makerspace Night, where creativity and engineering practices unite to spark ideas, collaboration, perseverance, and joy!

Highlights of The Week Stay updated on what’s happening in your Class DoJo and follow Hampstead Academy Events & News

At morning assembly 5th graders presented the lifecycle of the Monarch Butterfly. Mr. O found two caterpillars in the garden and Ms. Roberts’ class created a comfy place for the metamorphosis process to take place. Check out this video of the Monarch release! CLICK HERE

Morning meetings focus on each student and how they feel each day. Checking on our friends and understanding how we feel is one of the most important components to making each day a good day. “Good morning friend!” “What color are you today?” Would you rather live on the beach or in the mountains?”

Our Pre-K room smelled so good this week! Our friends have been busy making applesauce by counting, measuring, peeling, and tasting all the ingredients that go into making this delicious snack!

Picture Day was a success! Here are some behind the scenes photos! A make up day will be scheduled later in November.

Students are FULL STEAM AHEAD in our STEAM LAB! Students were introduced to the Ozobot. Color coding mini robots were the highlight in STEM this week!

Students have gathered and set out on an ELA adventure! Using Prodigy Education provides unique game based worlds where students can be inspired to pursue their own learning adventure!

THANK YOU Mr. O for your amazing artwork! You have brightened up our campus in so many ways and we appreciate EVERYTHING you do for the staff and students!

Important Dates Click Here for Calendar of Events Thursday October 6th STEAM Club 3PM - 4PM Friday October 7th No School Monday October 10th Indigenous Peoples Day (No School) Wednesday October 19th 6PM OPEN HOUSE for prospective parents Wednesday October 26th Teacher Development (Half Day, Dismissal at 11:45AM, no Extended Day) Friday October 28th 1:30PM - 2:30PM Cookies with Mindy

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